“The heart of a volunteer is never measured in size, but by the depth of the commitment to make a difference in the lives of others.”
DeAnn Hollis
NeighbourLink Summerland is run almost exclusively by volunteers.
Accredited Volunteers
These NeighbourLink volunteers have completed an interview process, passed a criminal record check, understand and agree to NeighbourLink’s policies, have been vetted by a church minister/leader or other references, and is an accredited member for voting purposes.
These volunteers can either be from one of our partner churches and be guided by a Church Coordinator or they can be a Community Volunteer, which is not connected to any church.
Project Volunteers
These NeighbourLink volunteers help in group projects (such as the Soup Social), always work with at least one accredited volunteer, and don’t have voting privileges.
Drive Clients to Appointments
Our core service is driving clients to their medical, dental, surgery, and specialist appointments.
Monthly Soup Socials
On the 3rd Thursday of each month (except July & August) we host a lunch at the Community Centre. We need host groups to provide soup and buns for these lunches…entertainment too!
1:1 Visitations
Our Social Link Program provides the opportunity for clients and volunteers to connect 1-on-1, either by phone or in person for tea, cards, a walk, or whatever works for both of you!
We can always use volunteer support for project-specific tasks, such as help with our Christmas Senior Gift Bag Program or fundraising efforts.